Thursday, November 10, 2011

Prop 26, Sanity Prevails in Mississippi

I've been reading a lot about Prop 26, a personhood law that would place the point of personhood at the exact point of conception.  As in the moment the sperm meets egg and the zygote is floating around the uterus.

It's been well publicized, because it's the strictest personhood law to come out.  On blogs, people who are pro-life have come out against it. And some pieces pointing out the strangeness of the whole idea have come out.

This is truly a stupid law. Let's be honest, do you prosecute a woman for miscarrying?  I mean, half of all fertilized eggs exit the womb with out a woman ever knowing she's pregnant.  Is God the number one abortionist in the world?  (I almost think that a lot of crazy, evangelicals' heads exploded every time somebody presents that thought)

On Tuesday, Mississippi voted on Prop 26.  Many in the mainstream acted like it would pass.  Fear was struck into the hearts of many and maybe it had an advantage because it had people coming out to the polls, but the main fact is, they got it wrong.

Slate realized this, and while the author was honest, he also thought that Prop 26 would do better than similar laws in other states because it was supported by people in the government.  The real problem is is they brought in outlawing the pill.  Making it just about abortion tends to get people going, but taking away a mother of 2's IUD will end your campaign.

The mainstream jumped to conclusions about why this would pass and the fact that it would pass in general.  Really, media should instead inform people that it has the chance to pass and not that it has passed already.

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